The experts expressed these views at a consultative workshop on 'land grabbing and its impact on food, agriculture and small farmers' organised by Shah Sachal Sami Welfare Association in collaboration with Actonaid Pakistan. ... This not only applies to farms but to estates , especially Palm oil style estates run by investment companies , they are destroying our environment . And I should know , I live in South East Asia , where this sort of investment is big business ...
VACATION HOLD : FOR POSTING MESSAGES : MARKETPLACE. Stay on top of your group activity without leaving the page you're on - Get the Yahoo! Toolbar now. ...
The contents were as follows: my 15? laptop computer, my digital Canon still camera, my Sony digital video recorder, DV tapes from past events and vacations, my brand new iPod and iPod speakers, jewelry I have purchased from all over the world .....Sachal Lakhwani on April 22, 2010 11:38 am. I would love to know the ending to this eposide, i hope they fired those 2 flight attendants, and even the pilot and the manager should be suspended. Wasn't there a saying somewhere, ...